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The Match is Life

This is your match, son. I hope you win.
Because winning is nice.

It’s a good feeling.
Like the whole world is yours.
But it passes. And what lasts is what you’ve learned.

And what you learn, is about life.
That’s what sports is about, life.
The whole thing is played out on the mat.
The happiness of life. The miseries. The joys. The heartbreaks.

There’s no telling what’ll turn up.
There’s no telling how you’ll do.
You might be a hero, or you might not. There’s just no telling.
Too much depends on chance. On how the "match goes."

You do your best. You take what comes.
You take what comes and run with it.

Winning is fun. Sure.
But winning is not the point.

Wanting to win is the point.
Not giving up is the point.
Never being satisfied with what you’ve done is the point.
Never letting up is the point.
Never letting anyone down is the point.

Play to win. Sure.
But lose like a champion.
Because it’s not winning that counts. What counts is trying.